KnowledgeAgent regularly updates the results of your analysis and can expand on them to include new lines of questioning. Monitoring allows market developments to be examined over time. Complementarily, KnowledgeAgent develops indices, scoring models and KPIs in order to present the most important developments at first glance. Upon request, the results of our monitoring analysis can be summarized in a yearly white paper and expanded to assess new perspectives.
Are you informed about your competitors‘ strategies? Our detailed analyses reveal how your competition plans to grow and deliver information with which you can derive your corporate strategy.
Stay informed about the strategic moves of your competitors and important market developments. We collect and summarize the most relevant announcements and allow you to react early to opportunities and threats.
A market potential analysis allows you to identify growth opportunities and risks in your markets. KnowledgeAgent helps you to raise your potential.
A market entry or location analysis goes beyond a potential analysis and examines not only the market and its competition but also the macroeconomic environment.