Unveiling Economic Trends with a Macroeconomic Report

In dynamic times like today, economic shifts affect businesses in a myriad of ways. Macroeconomic data plays a significant part in developing and managing corporate strategies and reacting to changes. Important decisions, such as opening a new location or expanding into a new market, can be influenced by country-specific characteristics that a well-structured macroeconomic report will reveal.

Credible sources

The macroeconomic report provided by KnowledgeAgent contains quantitative macroeconomic and industry-specific key indicators. Based on sources of official authorities like the European Central Bank, Federal Reserve, or WTO, it provides a simple and concise overview of the past, present and future economic and industry environment, including general macroeconomic indicators as well as industry-specific indicators.

Tailored to your needs

To adapt the provided data to individual areas of interest, the report is customized to meet company-specific needs, allowing for a quick access to relevant market indicators. Data is presented in form of charts and graphs and is permanently stored and available for further processing.



Indicator list

Leveraging our experience in macroeconomic and industry-specific research, we support our clients with identifying relevant indicators. With more than 100 indicators for up to 195 countries available, the report can be highly customized and easily adapted if requirements change.

Users can choose to view the most recent developments, or analyze a comprehensive timeline spanning up to 20 years. If an indicator is not available from common sources, we will utilize our research expertise to look for alternatives.

Regular updates

KnowledgeAgent sets up automated processes to update the data regularly, which ensures access to the most current and relevant information. The update frequency is tailored to individual company requirements and takes into account the publication schedules of the underlying databases.

Economic Intelligence

The report provides a comprehensive overview of the economic landscape. This enables companies to anticipate market dynamics, identify emerging opportunities, and back important decisions with reliable data.

Are you curious about the specifics?

Discover our whitepaper to learn more about the benefits of a macroeconomic report, which is available for download. A detailed report taxonomy, including a list of indicators for the Life Sciences & Healthcare industry, can be found in our product specification, also available for download.

Understand how a macroeconomic report can help your business and lead you towards smarter decision-making.


Macroeconomic Reports for Informed Decision-Making

Discover our whitepaper to learn more about the benefits of a macroeconomic report



Economic Intelligence: Reports on Macroeconomic Indicators and Industry Statistics

Macroeconomic Report: Product Specifications



Macroeconomic Reports for Informed Decision-Making

Discover our whitepaper to learn more about the benefits of a macroeconomic report



Economic Intelligence: Reports on Macroeconomic Indicators and Industry Statistics

Macroeconomic Report: Product Specifications


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