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Von Lena Schmidt am 13.12.2023
Net-zero targets are now a top priority for many companies. The number of listed companies aiming for net zero has more than doubled from…
Von Marlene Saal am 16.11.2023
Was haben das Mercedeswerk in Rastatt, die Rothaus Brauerei im Schwarzwald und eine Taschenlampe gemeinsam?…
Von Marcelle Dannibale Palmer am 07.11.2023
At least since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which pushed wide parts of the world into an acute energy crisis, energy…
Von Angelika Basler & Jasmin Göhrig am 24.10.2023
Digital technologies are now integral to daily life and the world’s population is increasingly interconnected. Many industries are…
Von Lukas Brinkmann am 05.10.2023
A key part of an electric vehicle (EV) is its battery, which consists of a range of valuable raw materials, including lithium, cobalt,…
Von Dominik Einsele am 31.08.2023
In recent years, the automotive industry has embarked on a transformative journey towards greater sustainability, fueled by its adoption of…
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